Tag: Technology

Junior doctors in England to strike for four days in August

BMA calls fifth stoppage since wave of walkouts began amid demands for higher pay rise  » Read More

NatWest chief Alison Rose steps down after Nigel Farage row

UK bank head’s resignation comes after she admits to being source of inaccurate BBC report about former Ukip leader  » Read More

Remote workers are quitting Austin’s offices, and it’s partly because it’s way too hot

Austin once had more workers in its offices than any other city. Now, more are working remotely thanks to the state of tech and climate change. Read More  » Read More

Vivek Wadhwa: ‘By working together, the U.S. and India can defeat cancer within 20 years’

India's work on massive medical datasets may lead to a better understanding of disease mechanisms, risk factors, and treatments. Read More  » Read More

Boeing’s quarterly results top expectations as airplane deliveries pick up pace

Boeing said earlier this year it planned to raise monthly production of its best-selling 737 Max planes to 38 jets a month by mid-year.  » Read More